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6 Best Socks To Wear With Loafers If You Haven’t Done So Already

6 Best Socks To Wear With Loafers If You Haven’t Done So Already


Can you wear socks with loafers? We think so! This style of shoe has been very popular so far this Fall, and adding socks is just another way to stay warm and change up your footwear game with different colors and textures.

PHOTO: @missy_elz
PHOTO: @soumiaelj

However, we put our socks and shoe inspiration on TikTok and one helpful user said, “I wore some tan socks with my loafers, and then one of my coworkers said that I look like an old lady who sells fruit on the street in Mexico”.

PHOTO: @rebeccadaisyy
PHOTO: @immillieholmes

Oddly specific imagery Another user said that it gave them “school uniform vibes”. We think that loafers are a grown-up, comfortable, versatile shoe for the Fall season.

PHOTO: @christietyler
PHOTO: @liviamadlen

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