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Run, don’t walk, Loafers are now a fall staple in everyone’s closet

Run, don’t walk, Loafers are now a fall staple in everyone’s closet


Reuse and recycle your outfits with Loafers! In early Fall, we really have no idea what temperature it’s going to be throughout the day and it’s so difficult to plan our outfits. In the morning, we’re bundled up and by afternoon, we’re often sweating through our t-shirts and jeans.

PHOTO: @nil.erenn
PHOTO: @elodieromy

We are all excited to bust out our ankle booties and knee-highs on September 21st but it’s just not in the cards most years. The platform loafer is a great piece to take you from the end of Summer all the way to the first snowfall.

PHOTO: @andismilez
PHOTO: @samanthaaelise

You can make it make sense by leaving the house in the morning with a jacket, t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of loafers and just peel back your layers throughout the day while looking totally put together at all hours.

PHOTO: @ceriseamusante_
PHOTO: @damiswardrobe
PHOTO: @thesimonemag

Refresh and recycle your early spring/late summer outfits with the platform loafer.

PHOTO: @kaiagerber

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