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Double Denim Is In It Spotlight Era – Here’s How To Wear It Now

Double Denim Is In It Spotlight Era – Here’s How To Wear It Now

double denim

The double denim is alive and well!

double denim
PHOTO: @whymarj
PHOTO: @thedailyseyi
double denim
PHOTO: @melissabon

The Canadian Tuxedo is nothing new, but it is living, thriving and flourishing this year.

double denim
PHOTO: @collagevintage2
PHOTO: @the_oluwaseun

Now that the 80’s and 90’s are back in full force, full-body denim is no longer considered dated.

double denim
PHOTO: @aude_julie
PHOTO: @mountaineleb

The Gen-Z’s are making this trend their own by wearing one-tone, different tones, oversized pieces for a relaxed and slouchy fit.

double denim
PHOTO: @linneklund
double denim
PHOTO: @tanniceelizabeth
PHOTO: @hoskela

For the easiest outfit ever, grab your denim jacket, your favourite jeans and get out on the town. 

double denim
PHOTO: @jen_wonders
PHOTO: @iretio
double denim
PHOTO: @yoyokulala

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